• Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): People who have had NDEs report sensations of leaving their bodies, often describing it as floating or observing their physical form from a distance. These experiences are hypothesized to be linked to brain activity during critical moments, such as hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or the release of neurochemicals like endorphins.
  • Sleep Paralysis and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs): Sleep paralysis, often accompanied by OBEs, occurs when the brain wakes up while the body remains in a state of muscle atonia. This can create vivid sensations of detachment from the physical body.
  • Illusions in Neuroscience: Studies have shown that the brain can create realistic illusions, such as the rubber hand illusion, where individuals can feel sensations from an external object. Similarly, certain neural stimulations can evoke sensations of being outside one’s body.

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Last Update: December 31, 2024
Relased: December 31, 2024