In a hauntingly surreal scene, a weathered human skeleton lies abandoned amidst the crumbling ruins of an old, forgotten building. The 3D figure is intricately detailed, with bones etched in fine textures, displaying a macabre contrast against the desolate urban backdrop. Dust and decay cling to its hollow form, while cracked concrete and ivy-covered walls loom around it, casting long, eerie shadows. The skeletal remains appear frozen in time, as if caught in a moment of despair or mystery. Jagged edges of broken glass and rusted metal debris litter the ground, adding to the sense of neglect and abandonment. The dim, ghostly light that filters through the broken windows casts an otherworldly glow, emphasizing the quiet stillness of the scene. It’s a haunting reminder of mortality and forgotten stories, evoking both sorrow and intrigue in this chilling, atmospheric landscape.

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Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $15.00.

A 3D midjourney prompt of a Human skeleton abandoned around a building.
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Last Update: November 26, 2024
Relased: November 26, 2024
Tags: 3D , Midjourney , Painting , Prompts ,